Film & Animation
We meet a woman in Kenya pioneering trash collection in traditional ecofriendly carts — all via a smartphone app. Tayba Hatimy was so passionate about promoting a circular economy that she quit her job as a dentist to set up a social enterprise.
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Barack Obama has a cousin in Kenya he almost never talks about, Raila Odinga. Barack Obama has actively campaigned for cousin Raila Odinga to become president of Kenya - even before Obama started his own run for the presidency of the USA. Obama did this under the pretense of a taxpayer funded "fact finding mission." Almost no one in the USA knows that Odinga has made a pact with the Muslim leaders of Kenya, in order to gain their support. This pact (actually shown in the video), calls for the establishment of a "safe haven" for terrorists in Kenya (yes, a safe haven to be government supported), the imposition of Sharia (Islamic) law, and the outlawing of public Christianity in Kenya. You can download a copy of this document for yourself. Barack Obama has supported Odinga in spite of (or perhaps because of) this Islamic pact, and continues to support Odinga in his aims, even though Odinga lost the recent elections. Futhermore, Obama seems to have been present and avising Odinga even as the election violence was being planned. This is not conjecture or a theory, even though you may not believe it until you see the footage for yourself. The best video available on the subject. What does this reveal about Barack Hussein Obama's intentions in the US? A "must-see" video whether you're planning to vote for McCain Palin, or Obama Biden. Democracy cannot work unless you know the truth. Thanks to YouTube and others, the virtual media blackout an on anything negative about Obama can be circumvented.
Artsworld gets an insider's guide to the Nairobi cultural scene and meets the artists "souping up" the city's matatus or the taxis they represent a vibrant part of the Kenyan capital's culture.<br /><br />Plus Artsworld explores the nostalgic world of Fado - the Portuguese equivalent of the Blues.
Heavy gunfire and loud explosions erupted at Nairobi's Westgate shopping mall Monday as Kenyan troops fought Al Qaeda-linked gunmen who were holding hostages after massacring dozens of people. People are running away and journalists are hiding to protect themselves. Duration: 01:15
Eunice & Steve Wedding Trailer (Kenyan Wedding Trailer)
Plantacja herbaty (tea plantation)
Village Massaï dans le Parc National du MassaÏ Mara....Un peu d'exotisme...Bon d'accord, ça fait touristes...mais nous sommes des touristes...en quête de différences...La qestion qui se pose est : pourquoi les pars sont moins fréquentés que l'Océan Indien...sans doute le crise est passée par là...Alors oui c'est vrai 15€ par personne pour voir ce village c'est cher...oui, c'est vrai l'impression d'un faux village est réelle...Mais les gens sont tellement sympas et celà fait partie du jeu...
Kenya tours and adventure travel in East Africa.
Mes aventures au Kenya, part 2.<br />Elephants et buffles a Amboseli, girafes, zebres et waterbuck a Naivasha, Rift Valley Railway, Tiwi Beach (au sud de Mombasa), Nakuru, gare de Mombasa
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Daddy V - Umenibamba New Kenyan music Video
Timothy Kimani, aka Njugush, encapsulates a brand of comedy Kenyans love. His success on social media and on TV have helped him dare to break more comic boundaries, and focus his shows and skits on social issues affecting ordinary Kenyans.