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Kenya's Vice President William Ruto has gone on trial at the International Criminal Court (ICC) for charges of crimes against humanity. Ruto, 46, flew in to The Hague from Nairobi on Monday to face the charges related to the deadly post-election violence in the east African nation five years ago.
As darkness fell on the Kenyan capital Nairobi it appeared that the Westgate shopping mall siege was nearing an end.<br /><br />...<br />
As Kenya prepares to go to the polls on Monday to elect a new Parliament and President, AFPTV visits the city of Kisumu where some of the worst violence broke out after the last disputed election. Is the town ready for the next poll, and could there be a repeat of the violence? Duration: 02:12
"I am Samuel", du réalisateur kényan Peter Murimi
Samantha Pendo, left in a coma after being allegedly teargassed and clubbed by police, has now died, her doctor said on Tuesday. The baby girl was asleep in her mother's arms when police forced their way into her home, her parents said earlier.
The government has expressed its commitment to supporting and protecting Kenyan seafarers from exploitation by what it has termed as unscrupulous employers.<br />
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ROUGH CUT (NO REPORTER NARRATION)<br/> <br />STORY: Hundreds of protesters smashed cars and torched churches in the Kenyan city of Mombasa on Monday after unknown gunmen shot dead a Muslim cleric accused by the United States of helping Islamist militants in Somalia.<br/> <br />Deputy Police Chief Robert Kitur said Aboud Rogo Mohammed was killed while driving a private van. His wife was injured.<br/> <br />The vehicle appeared strewn with bullet holes following the attack.<br/> <br />One protester was killed in the riots which erupted after Rogo's death, as youths from the port city's large Muslim population took to the streets complaining he had been deliberately targeted by police.<br/> <br />In what police described as an act of impulse rather than a planned strategy to target Christians, protesters tried to burn down two churches, setting furniture on fire before the flames were extinguished. They vandalized at least four other churches, breaking chairs and damaging an altar.<br/> <br />Protesters also set alight a government vehicle and stoned cars along the main highway linking Mombasa to Mali, both popular tourist destinations, and burnt tires to block the road.<br/> <br />Police fired rubber bullets in the air and tear gas to disperse the protesters.
D’un président américain à l’autre.Si Barack Obama a fait les beaux jours du peintre kényan Evans Yegon, alias Yegonizer, le temps est venu pour lui de se consacrer à un modèle d’un tout autre acabit : Donald Trump dont la grande plasticité faciale a le mérite de ne pas le laisser indifférent.<br /><br /> “J’ai décidé de peindre Donald Trump parce que c’est un sujet et un personnage intéressants”, nous explique-t-il. “Dans mes tableaux, il est avant tout question des expressions de son visage, de ses mimiques quand il parle. J’ai décidé de le peindre, car il est à la fois détesté et aimé. Il y a les deux extrêmes : des gens qui l’adorent et d’autres qui le détestent.”<br /><br /> Evans Yegon s’est notamment fait connaître lors de la visite en 2015 de Barack Obama au Kenya, le pays natal de son père. L’occasion pour le jeune artiste de vendre une trentaine de portraits du président sortant.<br /><br /> Avis aux amateurs : dix toiles à l’effigie de son successeur sont déjà en vente.<br /><br /> Résolument optimiste, Evans Yegon, en est convaincu, la cote de popularité de Donald Trump finira, elle aussi, par s’envoler :<br /><br /> “La perception que les gens ont de lui, de ce qu’il a dit pendant la campagne, pour moi tout ça, c’est de la stratégie électorale. Au départ, je ne m’attendais pas à ce que Trump devienne président. Ça a été un choc”, nous confie-t-il. “Mais maintenant, il faut faire avec pendant quatre ans. On doit apprendre à l’aimer.”<br />
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The Muslim community and human rights groups respond to the killing of hardline Kenyan cleric Abubakar Shariff Ahmed, known by his nickname "Makaburi", who was shot dead in the port city of Mombasa on Tuesday. Duration: 00:52
Prince William asked Kate Middleton to marry him on a private wildlife reserve in central Kenya last month, the head of the Lewa reserve confirmed Wednesday. Duration: 00:41.
Une entreprise kenyane utilise un processus capable de transformer les déjections en combustible. <br /><br />Retrouver toutes les infos sur la vidéo sur :