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For more news and videos visit ☛<br />Follow us on Twitter ☛<br />Add us on Facebook ☛<br /><br />Eight elephants have been fitted with GPS collars to help the Kenyan Wildlife Service map their traditional migration corridors in the Tsavo East National Park. The monitoring project will also help rangers combat poaching and instances of human-elephant conflict.<br /><br />Kenya's Tsavo East National Park is home to more than 12,000 elephants - but they are under threat from habitat loss, drought and poaching.<br /><br />Park officials are looking to satellite technology for a solution.<br /><br />They plan to track a selection of animals by GPS to map exactly how they use the huge area.<br /><br />The Kenyan Wildlife Service has teamed up with the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) to fit GPS collars on eight male and female animals for a 20 month period, according to Elphus Bitok, a KWS research scientist.<br /><br />[Elphus Bitok, Researcher Scientist, Kenya Wildlife Service]:<br />"The collar that we just fitted has a GPS component and a VHF component. The GPS component communicates with the satellite and the satellite will relay back the information via internet where you can be able to assess on real-time basis where the elephant is."<br /><br />Knowing exactly where the animals are, say rangers, will help improve security and fight poaching and produce better ways to intervene when there are instances of conflict with humans.<br /><br />The project has been funded by IFAW, who's president and CEO, Fred O'Regan, said the cost of losing elephants and other wildlife and their habitats is more costly than securing them.<br /><br />[Fred O'Regan, President & CEO, Int'l Fund for Animal Welfare]:<br />"Another thing we are trying to do out here is to identify where the legitimate migratory corridors are so that we can protect to make sure this animal thrives for the future."
A short video on The Boys Choir of Kenya. To find out more visit
Gunmen who snatched a disabled 66-year-old Frenchwoman from her beachfront home in a prized Kenyan resort have taken her to neighbouring war-torn Somalia, officials said on Sunday. AFPTV spoke to a member of a local tour guide association about security concerns following the kidnapping. Duration: 00:39
Déjà vainqueur du semi-marathon de Paris, Cybrian Kotut a remporté dimanche la 40e édition du marathon de la capitale française. Son chrono : 2h07"11. Le Kenyan a devancé ses compatriotes Laban Korir (2e en 2h07:27) et Stephen Chemlany (3e en 2h07:35). Revivez l'arrivée en images et dans les conditions du direct.
Choku - Everyday New Kenyan music 2013
Young Kenyans are taking to the streets again after the government's violent response to last week's demonstrations. What started as a protest against a tax bill is now a demand for justice for those killed, as DW's Mariel Müller reports from Nairobi. <br /> <br />#KenyaProtests #GovernmentViolence #JusticeForVictims #YouthActivism #TaxBillProtest #NairobiDemonstrations #SocialJustice #HumanRights #CivilRights #PoliticalActivism #KenyaUnrest #ProtestMovement #YouthEmpowerment #PeacefulProtest #ActivismInAction<br /> ~PR.152~ED.155~HT.334~
Free Download -- <br /> <br />Kenyan Khat African Social Studies Series
Pasua kenyan show - funny whip prank
Kenya's Maasai Lands, which stretch along the border with Tanzania, are among the country's driest areas.<br /><br />The land is bare, water is scarce and diarrhoea and disease are rife.<br /><br />But the recent introduction of a simple, yet effective water conservation device made of recycled plastic has reduced the spread of disease among the Maasai community.<br /><br />Al Jazeera's Zeina Awad reports from Kenya on what has become a life-changing conservation effort.
Adolescent Kenyan Running Barefoot - Slow Motion
Women in a Kenyan jail are discovering the relaxing effects of Yoga.<br />The inmates, many of whom are HIV positive, say it has become a rare source of happiness.<br />This is the story of one of the prisoners, Hellen Nyokabi David.
The participation of women in shooting sports is growing in Kenya. Concerns over gun violence remain, but the women spending time at shooting ranges are optimistic they can trigger a change in society.
Orphanage in Kenya, Orphans in Kenya, HIV and Aids orphans in Kenya ,Charity Work in kenya
Le demi-frère kényan du président américain Barack Obama, Malik Obama, a décidé de suivre l'exemple de son cadet - et de surfer sur sa notoriété - et de se lancer en politique au Kenya en briguant un siège de gouverneur le 4 mars prochain. Entretien. Durée: 01:21.
LOBSTER BEACH BBQ! And Unique Kenyan Street Food in Malindi, Kenya!
Walking Together, with Kenyan Esther Warimu Kariuki
Round 2 Kenyan National Cross Country Championship