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‘Softie,’ the Kenyan documentary on activism and corruption‘Softie,’ the Kenyan documentary on activism and corruption
Pete Akwabi and John Nzenze: The Kenyan Twist
At just ten years old, Karen Wanjiru Kimani has planted more than 30,000 trees and cleared tons of plastic pollution from her local environment.
The Kenyan government is now demanding that the International Criminal Court hands over all the investigation files and evidence supporting the charges
AccuWeather's Dexter Henry visited the campus of Hofstra University, in Long Island, New York, where two Kenyan members of the school's cross country team are dealing with running in cold Northeast temperatures.
En ce mardi 5 mars 2013, lendemain de vote, le bidonville de Kibera tourne, comme le reste de Nairobi, au ralenti. Les habitants, acquis en masse au Premier ministre Raila Odinga, attendent avec anxiété mais sans tension palpable le résultat de la présidentielle kényane. Durée: 00:42
Les prix du café au Kenya ont atteint des records en février, alors que la demande pour ces graines réputées parmi les meilleures du monde dépasse l'offre. Les cultivateurs qui n'ont pas baissé les bras en récoltent aujourd'hui les fruits. Durée: 02:03
Kenyan Youth Activist Says Leadership Change Needed - 1
La Kényane Wangari Maathai, prix Nobel de la Paix, dont le combat en faveur de l'environnement et du droit des femmes lui a valu la reconnaissance internationale et la sympathie de ses compatriotes, est décédée dimanche à 71 ans des suites d'un cancer. Ses collègues se rassemblaient lundi au siège de son organisation à Nairobi. Durée: 01:00
Deadly riots break out in Kenya's main port of Mombasa on Monday after the assassination of Aboud Rogo Mohammed, a radical cleric linked to Somalia's Al-Qaeda-allied Shebab militants. Duration: 00:41
Diaspora now able to watch live Kenyan TV
Le procureur de la Cour pénale internationale (CPI) a annoncé lundi 11 mars l'abandon des charges contre le Kenyan Francis Muthaura, qui était accusé, avec le président élu Uhuru Kenyatta, de crimes contre l'humanité à la suite des violences post-électorales de fin 2007-début 2008 au Kenya. Durée: 00:45
For more news visit ☛<br />Follow us on Twitter ☛<br />Follow us on Facebook ☛<br /><br />Millions of rural Kenyans are receiving water filters as part of an environmental project. The Danish company behind the idea hopes the project can become a viable, self-sustaining business. <br /><br />Clean water isn't always on tap.<br /><br />Millions of Kenyans have to walk miles each day to collect it. And then boil it thoroughly before it's safe to drink.<br /><br />But Danish company Vestergaard Frandsen has a solution. They're handing out nearly a million water filters as part of their Carbon for Water initiative.<br /><br />Health Worker Dorcas Mangerere shows local residents how to use the filter system.<br /><br />[Dorcas Mangerere, Health Worker, Vestergaard Frandsen]:<br />"We have shown her how to treat the water so she will be using the filter to prevent diseases like cholera, dysentery and typhoid. For that she will save her money, going to the hospital and also saving life."<br /><br />These filters are also designed to protect the forests - which themselves are vital to water supply.<br /><br />But this isn't just an act of charity.<br /><br />Vestergaard Frandsen CEO Mikkel Vestergaard says that through carbon financing his company plans to make the scheme pay. <br /><br />[Mikkel Vestergaard, CEO, Vestergaard Frandsen]:<br />"By getting everybody to filter water, less water will be boiled, by boiling less water less firewood will be burnt and less trees will be chopped. We expect, actually, we are able to reduce the emission of C02 by between 2 and 2.5 million tons per year. When we're audited then we get an audited report issued and that is when we can start selling those 2 to 2.5 million tons of emission reduction as carbon credit."<br /><br />Vestergaard says that by combining healthcare, conservation and profit, there are plenty of potential winners.<br /><br />If this scheme works the company believes it could become a model for the future - saving lives around the world.
Protests demanding greater access to the millions of dollars generated by the Maasai Mara reserve turn violent.
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C’est l'autre grande vedette de l'athlétisme mondial, en retrait de la superstar Usain Bolt. Le Kényan David Rudisha est devenu champion olympique du 800m en améliorant au passage son record du monde, à l'issue d'une course qu'il a menée de bout en bout, jeudi 9 août à Londres. Durée: 01:07
About 95 percent of the school's students come from poor families, nearly a third are orphans or have only one parent, and many have no food at home.