Film & Animation
A Short Documentary Film featuring the impact of Harvest Fields Bible School on the nation of Kenya. Starring Pastor Steve Fox, Pastor Leonard Fox, pastorzacfox, Sharon Cranford and many others. In cooperation with Frank Perez Photography, The Well Church, Inland Christian Center Church, City Harvest Fellowship, and the Steven Fox Foundation,
Kenyan FM Amina Mohamed denies countryโs auditor-general report that $2bn went is unaccounted for.
Njoki & Kevin Wedding Highlights 4.27.13 [Kenyan Weddings]
The Kenyan government has indefinitely extended an amnesty to returning Kenyan al-Shabab fighters.<br />
Cheating Spouses Targeted by Kenyan Radio Host
The protest comes after the massacre of 147 students at a Kenyan university. Reports indicate that the government was aware of a pending attack from the terrorist group Al-Shabaab, but did little to prepare civilians.
Kenyan rangers move quickly but carefully as they handle the giraffe that's just been darted by a veterinarian on a farm in Sergoit, in western Kenya, the first stage of an operation to move it hundreds of kilometres away.
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Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta said Monday he will go to the International Criminal Court, where he faces charges of crimes against humanity, becoming the first sitting president to appear. Duration: 00:54
Solar power helps the flower industry in Kenya grow delicate roses that need artificial light and constant temperatures. Low-cost solar systems ensure independence of the unreliable power grid.
Kenya Kids
Lions du Parc de masai mara au Kenya
En dรฉcembre dรฉcouvre le Kenya...<br />Et c'est la rencontre avec un monde inconnu et merveilleux...
Inequality in Kenya