Film & Animation
En Tanzania, la prolongada sequía transforma superficies agrarias en estepas. Un proyecto intenta paliar la situación plantando árboles. Así se mantiene la humedad y su sombra ayuda a regenerar la tierra fértil.
Heri Hospital in Tanzania is part of Adventist Health System Africa which serves communities around East and Central Africa with healthcare and loving kindness. Please visit for more information on our mission projects.
Il naufragio di un traghetto vicino a Zanzibar, in Tanzania, ha causato almeno una trentina di morti, tra cui due europei e alcuni bambini. Circa 150 persone sono state tratte in salvo. Decine risultano disperse. La tragedia sarebbe stata favorita dal forte vento, ma anche dall'eccessivo numero di passeggeri imbarcati.<br />
Tanzania is one of the countries worst affected by malaria. The majority of the country is malaria endemic.<br /><br />Approximately 200 boarding schools across Tanzania, where some of the poorest students in Tanzania are educated, received nets to achieve blanket coverage. 100,000 children will be protected. Boarding schools in Tanzania, unlike some in Western countries, are very poor.
Paul Ndiho on Tanzania -Burundi Refugees
Walgreens in Tanzania with Shot@Life
Maendeleo GALS Vision song Mbinga Tanzania
There is only one road south and it goes through the Saadani National Park so naturally we have to pay. Ok, lets go off road and see if we can get our road-tax worth of wildlife.
A to Z Textiles-Tanzania (English)
Let View Tanzania is a registered company that deals with <br /> <br />SERVICES OFFERED <br />-Safari tours <br />-Mounting climbing <br />-Beach tours <br />-Wildlife and birds watching <br />-Culture tourism <br />-city tours <br />-School tours.. <br />-Industry Activities <br /> <br />Give us a call now. <br />+255 756 483 626 <br />+255 714 079 625 <br />+255 716 432 387 <br /> <br />E-mail: <br /> <br /> <br />Facebook page: Let View Tanzania <br /> <br />Twitter: Let View Tanzania <br /> <br />LinkedIn: Let View Tanzania. <br /> <br />www:
Tanzania Pommern Village Choir in Framingham
Seela Parish Upendo Choir, Tanzania, Africa
How big can volcanic lava flows be? We pull off the road to follow the signs to a natural lava bridge that has been carved out by a fast moving river.
La decisión de Dar es Salaam de buscar y arrestar a personas que se cree que son homosexuales apunta a un patrón hostil mayor en Tanzania.
A Voices from the Nations production - A chance discussion about old sounds resulted in a very special discovery. This instrument is the last one in the village and had not been played for around 20 years. With a dual purpose it gathered maize during the day and was turned upside down and used as a drum for certain occasions. It was mainly used during female circumcision and as that custom has died out completely, the instrument has also now been forgotten. <br /> <br />More info -
It was an amazing two-week trip to Tanzania on Africa. <br />Wild nature, spectacular views, and finally, a recreation in Zanzibar. <br />Amir, my uncle thank you for everything! <br />Thanks for watching!
En esta ocasión viajamos al norte de Tanzania donde visitamos a Korio Olokula y a su mujer Naarkirobi. Una familia de Seneto, un pueblo de la tribu de los Masái.
Rondreis door Tanzania en Zanzibar in 2011