Zanzibar of Tanzania Top 11 Facts
Facts : 1 Zanzibar The semi-autonomous Zanzibar Archipelago The legislative authority in Zanzibar over all non-union matters is vested in the House of Representatives (per the Tanzania constitution) or the Legislative Council (per the Zanzibar constitution)<br />Facts : 2 The Legislative Council has two parts: the President of Zanzibar and the House of Representatives<br />Facts : 3 The President is Zanzibar s head of government and the chairman of the Revolutionary Council, in which the executive authority of Zanzibar is invested<br />Facts : 4 Zanzibar has two vice-presidents, with the first being from the main opposition party in the house<br />Facts : 5 The second is from the party in power and is the leader of government business in the House<br />Facts : 6 The President and the members of the House of Representatives have five-year terms<br />Facts : 7 The President selects ministers from members of the House of Representatives, with the ministers allocated according to the number of House seats won by political parties<br />Facts : 8 The Revolutionary Council consists of the president, both vice-presidents, all ministers, the attorney general of Zanzibar, and other house members deemed fit by the president<br />Facts : 9 The House of Representatives is composed of elected members, ten members appointed by the president, all the regional commissioners of Zanzibar, the attorney general, and appointed female members whose number must be equal to 30 %%% of the elected members<br />Facts : 10 The House determines the number of its elected members with the Zanzibar Electoral Commission determining the boundaries of each election constituency<br />Facts : 11 In 2013, the House has a total of 81 members: fifty elected members, five regional commissioners, the attorney general, ten members appointed by the president, and fifteen appointed female members